New York, 1838
Map of New York, 1778.
This very small map from London Magazine,
March 1778, has remarkable detail, showing the built city
at the southern tip of Manhattan Island. The Hudson River
is shown; its alternate name, the North River, is also provided.
We can see the Bronx region under its earlier political identity
as part of Westchester County. The boroughs of Brooklyn and
Queens, not yet developed but now located on the western end
of Long Island, are labelled here as Nassau County. |
New York City and the surrounding countryside,
including New Jersey, Connecticut, and Long Island, were first settled
by various Native American groups, from the Lenni Lenape in New
Jersey to the Shinnecock on eastern Long Island. The Dutch explored
the area via Henry Hudson, who, while English, worked for the Dutch.
Hudson produced no maps of the area, but his pilot, Robert Juet’s
journal, published in 1625, provides evocative descriptive information
about the plant and animal life of the region before European settlement
changed it all forever. New Amsterdam was the Dutch settlement at
the south end of Manhattan, below what is now Wall Street. When
the city was captured by the English, it was renamed New York.
The first capital of the United States under the
Constitution, in 1789-90, and the new nation's largest
city at that time, New York City was well placed on the Atlantic
seaboard for trade and communication. The creation of the Erie Canal
turned New York into an international trade center, connecting it
directly to Great Lakes area agricultural products. With the opening
of the Erie Canal in 1827, New York City became the major entrepot
for trade goods between the interior
of America and European and Caribbean markets.
To read more about the mapping of New York City,
please consult:
Manhattan in maps, 1527-1995, Cohen,
Paul E. and Robert T. Augustyn. New York : Rizzoli International
Publications, 1997. catalog
"The Montresor-Ratzer-Sauthier series
of maps of New York City.", Cumming, W. P.
in Imago Mundi, v. 31 (1979), pp. 55-65. catalog
Manhattan maps; a co-operative list., Haskell, Daniel Carl. New
York: The New York Public Library, 1931. Reprinted from the Bulletin
of The New York Public Library of April-May & July-October 1930.
"Manhattan on Paper: The mapping of
property and environment in Manhattan since the 1600s, with a check
list of property maps and atlases.", Hudson, Alice C.
In Biblion, the bulletin of the New York Public Library, vol. I,
number 2, Spring 1993, pp. 39-70.
A copy of this article is located at the
reference desk in the Map Division
The iconography of Manhattan Island,
1498-1909, compiled from original sources and illustrated by photo-intaglio
reproductions of important maps, plans, views and documents in public
and private map collections., Stokes, I. N. Phelps. New York:
Robert H. Dodd, 1915-1928. 6v. catalog