The English Mapping Scene
Collector's Cabinet I: The Dutch Imperative
Navigation and English Charting
Bermuda and the Tropical Colonies
The Tobacco Coast: The Chesapeake Colonies
Collector's Cabinet II: A Miscellany
The Northeast Colonies
The Continental View
From Colony to Capital
Return to Exhibit
The English Mapping Scene
William Berry
"A Mapp of All the World . . ."
From: [Composite Atlas]
London, 1680
Slaughter 326

Exhibition Image
Nathaniel Crouch
"The English Empire in America"
From: The English Empire in America
London, 1685
Slaughter 537
Richard Blome
A geographical description Of the Four Parts of the World . . .
London, 1670
Slaughter 327
Abraham Ortelius
"The Description of America"
In: His Epitome of the Theater of the World
London, 1603
Slaughter 301
Abraham Ortelius
"Angliae, Scotia, et Hiberniae . . ." [England, Scotland, and Ireland]
From: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
[Antwerp, 1570]
Slaughter 1201
Samuel Dunn
"A general map of the world or terraqueous globe . . ."
From: Laurie and Whittle's General Atlas
London, 1799
Slaughter 1035R
Robert Walton and Robert Morden
"A new map containing all the Citties . . . England & Wales . . ."
London, [1679]
Slaughter 1204
John Rocque
"Map of London"
London, 1746
Slaughter 1225
Charles Dickens
Dombey & Son
Illustration by "J. W. Orr. sc. N.Y." Vol. II, opp. p. 63
Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1868
General Research Division
London Magazine (November 1761)
Slaughter 105
Joannes De Ram
"Londini Angliae . . ." [London]
Amsterdam, 1690
Slaughter 1214

Exhibition Image
John Thornton
"The River of Thames . . ."
London, [17-]
Slaughter 1208
Collector's Cabinet I: The Dutch Imperative
Willem Blaeu
"Asia," "Europa," "Africae," "Americae"
From: Atlas Major
Amsterdam, 1635
Slaughter 1001

Exhibition Image
Navigation and English Charting
Dirck Rembrandtsz van Nierop
"Wassende Graade Paskaart . . . Evropa" [Europe]
Amsterdam, 1660
Slaughter 1229
Pieter Goos
"Pas caerte van Nieu Nederlandt en de Engelsche Virginies . . ." [New
Netherland and Virginia]
In: De Zee-Atlas ofte Water-Weereld . . .
Amsterdam, 1666
Slaughter 331
Jeremiah Seller and Charles Price
"A Chart of ye Coast of New England and New York . . ."
From: The English Pilot, The Fourth Book
London, 1703
Slaughter 652
John Seller
Practical Navigation: or, an Introduction to the Whole Art. Containing The Doctrine of
Plain and Spherical Triangles. Plain, Mercator, Great-Circle Sailing; and Astronomical
Problems . . .
London, 1694
Slaughter 3003

Exhibition Image
John Seller
Practical Navigation . . .
London, 1702
Slaughter 3009
John Seller
Practical navigation . . .
London, ca. 1670
Slaughter 3056

Exhibition Image
The English Pilot, The Fourth Book
London, 1689
Slaughter 312
John Seller
"Zodiacus Stellatus" [Zodiac]
From: Atlas Maritimus
London, 1675
Slaughter 317

Exhibition Image
John Seller
"The Right Ascension and Declinations of the Principal Fixed Starrs . .
From: Atlas Maritimus
London, 1675
Slaughter 317
John Seller
Atlas Maritimus
London, 1682
Slaughter 334
Edmond Halley
"A New and Correct chart shewing the variations of the compass in the Western and
Southern Oceans . . ." [Atlantic]
London, ca. 1700
Slaughter 444
Herman Moll
A System of Geography . . .
London, 1701
Slaughter 341.a
John Seller
"A General Chart of the West India's"
From: Atlas Maritimus
London, 1675
Slaughter 441 in Slaughter 317

Exhibition Image
Jonathan Swift
"On Poetry: A Rapsody" in Collected Poems of Jonathan Swift, vol. II
Dublin, 1733
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature
John Harris
A Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. II
London, 1705
Slaughter 3059

Exhibition Image
J. H. Moore
"Plan of the Harbour of New-York . . ."
From: New and Complet Collections of Voyages and Travels
London, 1778
Slaughter 824
John Harris
A Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. I
London, 1705
Slaughter 3059
Thomas Jefferys
"The Virgin Islands"
From: West-India Atlas
London, 1775
Slaughter 1304
John Seller
"Novissima et Accuratissima Insulae Jamaicae"
From: Atlas Maritimus
London, 1675
Slaughter 317
Henry Overton
"A New & Correct Map of the Trading Part of the West Indies . . ." [North
London, 1741
Slaughter 708
William Heather
"A new chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean . . ."
London, 1797
Slaughter 427R
William Heather
"A New Chart of America with the harbors of New York, Boston, etc. . . ."
London, 1799
Slaughter 547.e
Nathaniel Bowditch
The New American Practical Navigator . . ., 1st edition
Newburyport, Mass., 1802
Slaughter 4002
Edmund Blunt
The American Coast Pilot, 10th edition
New York, 1822
Slaughter 4003
Bermuda and the Tropical Colonies
John Speed
". . . A Mapp of the Sommer Ilands once called the Bermudas . . ."
From: Prospect of the World . . .
London, 1626?
Slaughter 922
Willem Blaeu
"Mappa Aestivarum Insularum alias Barmudas . . ." [Bermuda]
From: Atlas Major
Amsterdam, 1630
Slaughter 923

Exhibition Image
Herman Moll
"A New Mapp of the West-Indies . . ."
London, 1740
Slaughter 405
Gerard Van Keulen
"Niewe Wassende Graade Zee Kaart . . ." [Atlantic Ocean]
Amsterdam, [1710]
Slaughter 429
"Bowles's New One-sheet chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean . . ."
In: Universal Atlas
London, 1790
Slaughter 349
John Overton
"A new and most Exact map of America . . ."
London, 1668
Slaughter 763

Exhibition Image
Robert Morden
Geography Rectified
London, 1680
Slaughter 342
John Speed
"A New Description of Carolina"
From: Prospect of the World
London: Bassett & Chiswell, 1676
Slaughter 354
[Henricus Hondius]
"Virginiae item et Floridae . . ." [Carolinas]
From: Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas, or A geographicke description . . ., vol. II
Trans. Henry Hexham
Amsterdam, [1636]
Slaughter 420.m
The Tobacco Coast: The Chesapeake Colonies
Henricus Hondius
"Nova Virginiae Tabula" [Virginia]
From: Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas, or A geographicke description . . ., vol. II
Trans. Henry Hexham
Amsterdam, [1636]
Slaughter 357
John Smith
The Generall Historie of Virginia, New=England . . .
London, 1632
Slaughter 3055

Exhibition Image
Arnold Colom
"Pas caarte van Nieu Nederlandt" [New Netherland]
From: Zee Atlas
Amsterdam, 1658
Slaughter 486 in Slaughter 320
Thomas Jefferson
Notes on the State of Virginia
Paris, 1785
Slaughter 99
Thomas Jefferson
Notes on the State of Virginia
London, 1787
Slaughter 100
Thomas Jefferson
Notes on the State of Virginia, 2nd American edition
Philadelphia, 1794
Slaughter 101
Thomas Jefferson
Notes on the State of Virginia, 8th American edition
Boston, 1801
Slaughter 102
Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson
"A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia . . ."
London, 1794
Slaughter 677R
John Senex
"A new Map of Virginia Mary=land . . ."
London, revised 1719
Slaughter 37
Robert Dudley
"Carta particulare della Virginia"
From: Arcano del Mare
Florence, 1647
Slaughter 41
"New chart of Delaware Bay"
Philadelphia? 1739
Slaughter 613
Andrew Snape Hammond
"A chart of Delawar Bay"
From: Atlantic Neptune
London, 1779
Slaughter 60.b
Collector's Cabinet II: A Miscellany
Vincenzo Maria Coronelli
From: Libro dei globi
Venice, 1699?
Slaughter 713
Girolamo Ruscelli
"Tierra Nueva" [America]
From: Claudius Ptolemy's Geography
[Venice]: Ruscelli, [1598]
Slaughter 655
Philip Lea
["A map of all the earth . . ."]
London, 1691
Slaughter 1020
Edward Wells
"A new map of North America . . ."
From: New Set of Maps both of Ancient and present Geography
Oxford, 1700
Slaughter 704
The Northeast Colonies
John Seller and William Fisher
"A Mapp of New Jersey in America"
London, 1676?
Slaughter 234
John Ogilby
London, 1671
Slaughter 3050
Edward Wells
"A New Map of the most Considerable Plantations . . ." [North America]
From: New Set of Maps both of Ancient and present Geography
Oxford, 1700
Slaughter 500
John Seller
"A chart of the Sea Coasts of New=England, New=Jarsey Virginia
Maryland . . ."
In: Atlas Terrestris
London, 1680
Slaughter 489 in Slaughter 316

Exhibition Image
Philip Lea
"A new map of New England, New York, New Jarsey . . ."
London, 1710
Slaughter 490
Mark Tiddeman
"A draught of New York . . ."
From: The English Pilot, The Fourth Book
London, 1749
Slaughter 814
Bernard Ratzen [sic] "This Plan of the City of New York . . ."
London, 1767
Slaughter 839
John Thornton
"A New Map of Virginia . . . part of New York" [Middle Atlantic colonies]
London, ca. 1702
Slaughter 241

Exhibition Image
Thomas Kitchen, Sr.
"Map of New York I. with the adjacent rocks & other remarkable parts of
Hell-Gate . . ."
From: The London Magazine (March 1778)
Slaughter 832

Exhibition Image
The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle . . . for the year [1776]
London, 1777
Slaughter 3028
William Faden
"A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island . . ."
London, 1776
Slaughter 807
"Chart of the Entrance to Hudson's River"
In: . . . Second Part . . . North American Pilot . . .
London, 1800
Slaughter 321
Carrington Bowles
"Bowles's new one-sheet map of New England . . ."
London, ca. 1796
Slaughter 693
The Continental View
Herman Moll
". . . North America"
In: The World Described
London, 1712?
Slaughter 329
Joannes Jansson after Henricus Hondius
"America Septentrionalis"
From: Atlas Novus?
Amsterdam, 1641
Slaughter 723
Jodocus and Henricus Hondius
"America Septentrionalis"
Amsterdam, 1631
Slaughter 724
Guillaume De L'Isle
"Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississippi . . ."
Amsterdam: Covens & Mortier, ca. 1730
Slaughter 458
"A new & accurate map of the English Empire in North America . .
London, 1755
Slaughter 473
"An Accurate Map of the British Empire in Nth America as settled by the
Preliminaries in 1762"
From: Gentlemens Magazine
London, 1762
Slaughter 513

Exhibition Image
Edmund Burke
An Account of the European Settlements in America, Vol. I
London, 1757
Slaughter 3033
Edmund Burke
An Account of the European Settlements in America, Vol. II
London, 1757
Slaughter 3033
William Douglass, M.D.
"North America . . ."
In: A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive
Improvements, and Present State of the British Settlements in North-America
Boston and London, 1755
Slaughter 3019

Exhibition Image
From Colony to Capital
Francois-Alexandre Rochefoucault Liancourt
Travels Through the United States of North America, Vol. 2
London, 1799
Slaughter 3014
Constitutions des Treize Etats-Unis de l'Americque
Philadelphia and Paris, 1783
Slaughter 3026
Andrew Ellicott
"Territory of [District of] Columbia"
Philadelphia, ca. 1793-94
Slaughter 1

Exhibition Image
"Plan of the City of Washington . . ."
London, 1793
Slaughter 4
Andrew Ellicott
"Plan of the City of Washington"
Philadelphia, 1792
Slaughter 3

Exhibition Image
After Andrew Ellicott
"Plan of the City of Washington . . . as established after 1780"
Cotton or linen, Washington? 1800?
Slaughter 9
Christopher Colles
"From Stratford (15) to Poughkeepsie"
In: A Survey of the Roads of the United States of America
New York, 1789
Slaughter 4000
Samuel Lewis
"A map of part of the N: W: Territory of the United States . . ."
In: American Atlas
Philadelphia, April 1809
Slaughter 330
"A new map of North America . . ."
From: Thomas Jefferys's American Atlas
London, 1783
Slaughter 483
John Senex
"Terrestrial Globe"
London, ca. 1720
Slaughter 5000

Exhibition Image
Patrick Gordon
Geography Anatomiz'd
London, 1722
Slaughter 3043
John Senex
"Celestial Globe"
London, ca. 1720
Slaughter 5000

Exhibition Image
John Senex
"A Catalog of Globes and Maps"
In: [Composite Atlas]
London, ca. 1725
Slaughter 318