Rutgers Farm, A Model for City History
Thomas H. Poppleton. Plan of the City of New-York. New York, 1817. NYPL, The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, Rose Fund. Digital ID 434110 |
For decades, farms on Long Island and in New Jersey, and even
in upper Manhattan, fed the city below Wall Street. The story
of Rutgers Farm—an early Dutch family farm and brewery situated
in the present-day Lower East Side—illustrates the land
changes in a particular shoreline neighborhood over time. Rutgers
Farm also serves as a microcosm of the entire city. Similar changes
occurred everywhere across the metropolitan area as it evolved
from rural Dutch landscape to become the intensely urbanized region
we know today.
In 1728, when the farm was acquired, the Rutgers family had been
brewers in Nieuw Nederland for five generations. Beer was a valuable
commodity, as there was not yet a municipal water supply and many
of the active springs were becoming polluted with by-products
and refuse of early industry. The 100-acre farm and brew house
were located west of Corlears Hook, on the Lower East Side. This
area, representing nearly the entire Seventh Ward, was bounded
by Delancey Street to the north, Catherine Street to the south,
East Broadway to the west, and the East River.
By the time of the American Revolution, Rutgers Farm was one
of six large farms that dominated the island’s northward expansion. Later, the
farm was subdivided so that individual parcels of land could be inherited by future generations
of the Rutgers clan.
Eventually, lots were sold off one by one, and much of the farm
was replaced by
tenements and factories. By the late 19th century, the only vestige
of the great farm was
the old Rutgers Mansion and gardens, then occupying only a single
city block.