Modernity in statecraft is usually characterized by secularism,
while pre-modern societies tend to be highly religious. East
Slavic and Russian development conformed to this pattern. Beginning
in the 10th century, Orthodox Christianity commanded center stage
in the life of the East Slavic peoples. Indeed, during the period
of Mongol domination (1237–ca. 1480), which cut the region off from contact with
other cultures, it fell to Eastern Orthodoxy to preserve what it could of East
Slavic cultures and traditions.
The grand princes of Moscow succeeded in consolidating a Russian state, known
as Muscovy, by the late 15th century. After the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople
(now Istanbul) in 1453, Muscovite Russia considered itself the only remaining true Christian
state. Its sacred art, music, books, and manuscripts were specific to their Orthodox
tradition and illustrate Muscovy's tendency to distinguish its religion from
other forms of Christianity, thus perpetuating the isolation that had prevailed
under Mongol rule.
That isolation gradually came to an end as curious churchmen, diplomats,
and merchants from other parts of Europe braved the distances to obtain
firsthand knowledge about the state's rulers, peoples, and resources. These
travelers published accounts that fascinated Europeans with descriptions
of a strange and “barbarous
kingdom” – a distant world.
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