The Domostroi, edited by Ivan the Terrible's
spiritual advisor Sil'vestr' (d. ca. 1566), was a "self-help" book
of sorts intended to provide the reader with practical advice
about daily life, conduct, and family roles. It also included
sections dealing with the Orthodox faith, and why and how to
offer one's unwavering obedience to the Tsar. The following
passage suggests the kind of wide-ranging advice offered.
If you drink to the point of intoxication, and don't go home
to sleep, but fall asleep in the place where you were drinking,
not caring where you are, many others will be there - you won't
be alone. In your drunkenness and carelessness, you will
dirty your gown, you will lose your cap and your hat. If you
have money in a pocket or a bag, others will take it; they will
take your knives too. The host with whom you drank will sue you,
and you him. You will have lost your property and have been shamed
before others. All those who had to protect a drunkard from himself
will gossip about how you got drunk and fell asleep. So you see
what shame, ridicule, and property loss lie in great intoxication.
Furthermore, if you get drunk and do set off for home, but fall
asleep on the way, and do not reach your home, you will suffer
even greater ills. Thieves will take everything from you - all
your clothes and everything you have on you - and will not leave
you even your undergarments.. Many drunkards die from their liquor;
they freeze to death on the road. I don't say, "Don't drink
at all," but I do say, "Don't drink to the point of
evil intoxication."
Reprinted from Carolyn Johnston Pouncy, The Domostroi:
Rules for Russian Households in the Time of Ivan the Terrible. Copyright © 1994
by Cornell University. Used by permission of the publisher,
Cornell University Press.