
According to the belief of the Orthodox Church, Constantinople
(Tsargrad) was the center of the only true form of Christianity,
since Rome had become the seat of “Latin heretics.” However,
in 1453, the Ottoman Turks captured the “second Rome” and
transformed the city into an Islamic capital. Twenty-seven years
later, the Russians finally stopped paying tribute to the Mongolians,
who had dominated Russia for nearly 250 years. Muscovy thus became
the only independent Orthodox state in the world. Churchmen rushed
to enhance the significance of Moscow, the “third Rome,” and
of its rulers, the tsars. In 1510, a monk from Pskov, Philotheus
(Filofei) (fl. 16th century), enunciated the classic statement
of the doctrine: "All Christian realms will come to an end
and will unite into the one single realm of our sovereign, that
is, into the Russian realm, according to the prophetic books.
Both Romes fell, the third endures, and a fourth there will never
be." This myth was elaborated to describe Russian Christendom
as the culminating chapter in the sacred history of the world
and to claim that God had chosen Moscow and its rulers to guide
the destiny of Orthodoxy. The doctrine also elevated the Russian
tsar to a position of both spiritual and secular preeminence.
