Catherine II’s thirty-four-year
reign (1762–96) proved quite brilliant, in 18th-century
terms, and earned her the official title “the Great,” for
both her domestic and foreign policy. When she came to
the throne, the European Age of Enlightenment – an
intellectual revolution that aimed to reform social, political,
economic, and spiritual life – was in full flower.
The philosophes who led the movement
championed Enlightened Absolutism as an ideal form of government,
one in which rulers would use their awesome power to effect
change and promote development, although, it must be said,
they failed to attend to the needs of the illiterate and
impoverished masses. Catherine had read the writings of
the philosophes and announced her intention of
becoming their model monarch; they responded by singing
her praises throughout all of Europe. In a dramatic display
of Enlightenment thinking, Catherine called for the convocation
of a Legislative Commission in 1767, and delegates were
elected from among the nobility, townspeople, state peasants,
and national minorities, each of whom was to bring a list
of grievances.
Recalling the idea of the zemskii
sobor, the assembly gathered in the old capital
of Moscow with the mission of bringing forth a new and
more modern law code for Russia. In preparation for the
meeting, the empress wrote a 526-paragraph Instruction to
the delegates setting forth the principles that should
guide them. Astonishingly liberal for the era, Catherine
based the Instruction on the writings of the philosophes,
such as Montesquieu (1689–1755), Cesare Beccaria
(1738–1794), and the German cameralists, who emphasized
the rule of law, equality before the law, and measures
to prevent despotism; political censors forbade the publication
of this “incendiary” document in France.
The work of the commission was cut short by the outbreak
of war, but it altered Russian political culture by
demonstrating the willingness of an absolutist ruler
to work in partnership
with elected representatives of the people. However,
it also demonstrated the reluctance of the ruler and
the elite to face squarely the problem of serfdom,
especially since serfs remained unrepresented and were
no longer
even asked to take the oath of loyalty to a new ruler.
The reforming thrust of Catherine’s
domestic policy continued for the next two decades.
A new structure rationalized the administration of provinces
and districts, another measure reorganized municipal
and both provided for elective offices, which was again
highly unusual in an absolute monarchy. Equally uncommon,
in 1785, a Charter of the Nobility granted the elite
civil rights, such as freedom of assembly, petition, property,
and association as well as trial by jury; in addition,
the nobility were emancipated from their Petrine obligation
to serve the state, a duty resented by many.