As soon as Catherine won the throne
in June of 1762, she promised that one of her goals would be
to make Russia a state governed by laws. In 1767, she called
for the convocation of an elected legislative assembly to draw
up a legal code. She personally drew up a set of guidelines
for the delegates.
Chapter I
6. Russia is an European State.
7. This is clearly demonstrated by the following Observations:
The Alterations which Peter the Great undertook in Russia succeeded
with the greater Ease, because the Manners, which prevailed
at that Time, and had been introduced amongst us by a Mixture
of different Nations, and the Conquest of foreign Territories,
were quite unsuitable to the Climate. Peter the First, by introducing
the Manners and Customs of Europe among the European People
in his Dominions, found at that Time such Means as even he
himself was not sanguine enough to expect.
Chapter II
9. The Sovereign is absolute; for there is no other authority
but that which centers in his single Person that can act
with a Vigour proportionate to the Extent of such a vast
10. The Extent of the Dominion requires an absolute Power to
be vested in that Person who rules over it. It is expedient
so to be that the quick Dispatch of Affairs, sent from distant
Parts, might make ample Amends for the Delay occasioned by
the great Distance of the Places.
11. Every other Form of Government whatsoever would not only
have been prejudicial to Russia, but would even have proved
its entire Ruin.
12. Another Reason is; That it is better to be subject to the
Laws under one Master, than to be subservient to many.
13. What is the true End of Monarchy? Not to deprive People
of their natural Liberty; but to correct their Actions, in
order to attain the supreme Good.
The Grand Instructions
to the Commissioners Appointed to Frame a New Code of Laws
for the Russian Empire:
Composed by Her
Imperial Majesty Catherine II…. Translated by Michael
Tatischeff. London, 1768. From: Basil Dmytryshyn, ed. Imperial
Russia: A Source Book, 1700–1917. Gulf Breeze, Fla.:
Academic International Press, 1999.
Reprinted courtesy of Academic International Press