
The long reigns of Ivan III (r. 1462-1505), called "the Great," and
Vasilii III (r. 1505-33) brought the consistent policies of their
Muscovite forebears to fruition. All the main rivals for power,
including the great Novgorod, were subdued and annexed; it was
said of Ivan the Great that "he increased his land even as he
slept." The tribute to the Mongols ended. A single monetary system
and a law code were devised as part of an ongoing process of
centralization. Diplomatic relations were established with the
pope in Rome, the emperor in Mughal India, the Holy Roman Emperor,
and the Turkish sultan. Italian Renaissance architects refashioned
the Kremlin with new towers, palaces, and cathedrals, while native
artists, such as Andrei Rublev (d. ca. 1430), Dionisii (ca. 1440-1503),
and his followers, excelled at painting icons and frescoes. The
policies of Ivan III and Vasilii III were typical of those of
the New Monarchs of western Europe, who worked to expand their
power and their states. However, Muscovy's direction also had
a unique twist.