Events |
Building of the Kremlin, 1156–1516 |
Ivan IV Takes
a Wife, 1547 |
Taking of Kazan,
1552 |
of the First Book in Moscow, 1564 |
Oprichnina, 1564 |
World Events |
The Golden Horde,
1300s |
Ottoman Capture
of Constantinople (Istanbul), 1453 |
The Establishment
of the Safavid Dynasty, 1502 |
The Protestant
Reformation, 1517 |
The Jenkinson
Mission to West Asia, 1558 |
Russia's Globalization:
A Key
Events marked are
specific to Muscovy/Russia's internal development.
Those marked are
important world historical or cultural events.
specific points of sociocultural or military engagement
between Muscovy/Russia and foreign powers or individuals.