Events |
Building of the Kremlin, 1156–1516 |
Ivan IV Takes
a Wife, 1547 |
Taking of Kazan,
1552 |
of the First Book in Moscow, 1564 |
1564 |
World Events |
The Golden Horde,
1300s |
Ottoman Capture
of Constantinople (Istanbul), 1453 |
The Establishment
of the Safavid Dynasty, 1502 |
The Protestant
Reformation, 1517 |
The Jenkinson
Mission to West Asia, 1558 |
Russia's Globalization:
A Key
Events marked are
specific to Muscovy/Russia's internal development.
Those marked are
important world historical or cultural events.
specific points of sociocultural or military engagement
between Muscovy/Russia and foreign powers or individuals.

In the 1500s, Muscovy, aware of the need for official diplomacy,
found few trustworthy individuals in its own towns who were
cosmopolitan enough to carry on effectively abroad. The throne
therefore turned to a succession of foreigners for its diplomatic
service. One of them, Anthony Jenkinson (fl. late 16th century),
an English merchant, carried out extensive missions to Persia
and West Asia during 1558 and 1559 as a personal envoy for
Ivan IV (r. 1533–84) and, therefore, for Muscovy. This
exposed Russians to strong cultural, economic, and social influences
from West Asia.