
The reign of Peter the Great (1682–1725)
proved a great watershed in Russian history. The timid attempts
of Muscovite leaders to become more European were replaced by
a structured drive toward westernization and globalization.
Through war, Russia became a great European military power at
a time when European states dominated the globe. Through more
pacific contact, Russia also became a part of the European cultural
world. In addition, Peter turned his attention to other parts
of the globe, inaugurating a program of exploration and insisting
that Russians learn Chinese, Japanese, and the languages of
the native peoples of the empire. As the land opened up to Europe,
Asia, and then the other continents, Russia and the Russians
would lose their insularity and acquire a global perspective.
Peter’s successors could not approach the talent of their
forebear, but they generally continued the direction of his
policies, emulating things French and German and expanding upon
the program of exploration.