
Peter’s historical status has been the subject of debate
since his death in 1725. He made Russia a great power, but at
the sacrifice of two decades of suffering and tens of thousands
of lives. He westernized the Russian elite but thereby created
a “dual Russia,” with a significant part of the
population still adhering to Muscovite culture and values.
Peter carried out a program of much-needed reform, but he used
the force and compulsion of a police state to achieve his ends.
While Peter was not a tyrant like Ivan the Terrible, he firmly
believed—as did most of the other monarchs in Europe—in
the form of government known as absolutism (or autocracy), wherein
a ruler shares power with no other group or institution. Nonetheless,
whether he was a superhero or an arch demon, the changes that
Peter the Great imposed upon his country make him the most dominant
figure in all of Russian history.