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Events marked are
specific to Muscovy/Russia's internal development.
Those marked are
important world historical or cultural events. indicates
specific points of sociocultural or military engagement
between Muscovy/Russia and foreign powers or individuals.
Johann Baptist Homann (1663–1724) Imperii Persici in omnes suas Provincias [The Persian Empire
and All Its Territories]
Nuremberg, early 18th century
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division, Bates-Pantuhoff Collection
This map of the Safavid Persian Empire – rather
circumscribed by the 18th century – outlines the
empire’s provinces in brightly hand-colored sections.
Also depicted are Russia, and Persia’s West Asian
neighbors the Ottoman (Turcici) and Mughal (Mogilici)
empires. Central Asia (Turckestan) is ornamented with
images of camels and a Kazak yurt. “Uzbek Bukhara”
and Persia’s small khanates are shown along the
Caspian Sea. The cartouche at bottom left features a colorful
allegorical scene, perhaps representing ancient King Darius
and his gold coinage.