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Events marked are
specific to Muscovy/Russia's internal development.
Those marked are
important world historical or cultural events. indicates
specific points of sociocultural or military engagement
between Muscovy/Russia and foreign powers or individuals.
Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1747–1822), supposed author Beschreibung der Feierlichkeiten welche bei Anwesenheit
von Ihro Majestäten der Kaiser Alexander und Napoleon [A Description of the Festivities Attended by Their Majesties
Tsar Alexander I and Napoleon]
Weimar: Landes Industrie Comptoirs, 1809
NYPL, General Research Division
The meeting between Napoleon and Alexander I in September-October
1808 was an attempt to preserve their alliance, established
at Tilsit the previous year. Their warm public expressions
of friendship notwithstanding, their private discussions
were often stormy. They never saw one another again.