
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity
*R-SIBL QH541.15 .B56 .E53
Grzimeks Animal Life Encyclopedia
*R-SIBL QL 3 .G7813
CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names
*R-SIBL QK13 .Q38
Computer Indexes
General Science Abstracts
Biology Digest
Print Indexes
General Science Index *R-SIBL Z7401 .G46
Biological Abstracts *R-SIBL QH301 .b37

The Diversity of Life by Edward O. Wilson
JSE 93-435
Life Stories: world-renowned scientists reflect on
their lives and the future of life on earth ed.
by Heather Newbold
JSE 00-1093
Biological Diversity by Edward O. Wilson
JSE 99-1986
Global Diversity by the World Conservation Monitoring
*R-SIBL QH313 .G58 1992
