

Yes, we may never know how to make a flame tree or
bird song, but we can implement alternatives to their destruction. Many
of these possible alternatives depend on more efficient use of resources,
more productive farming and forestry methods, and the development of other
sources of food and fuel.
At the moment, two major obstacles hinder progress. First, each nation
must have the capability to manage such conservation programs through
private organizations, government bureaus, and enforcement agencies. Second,
each country needs money to start these projects. Although the projects
save money in the long run, they cost money to start. Individual governments,
international lending institutions, and development organizations must
jointly initiate and support such efforts.

Encyclopedia of Aquaculture
*R-SIBL SH20 .3 .E53
Co-op Americas National Green Pages
*R-SIBL HF5413 .C66
Computer Indexes
Applied Science and Technology Abstracts
Environmental Knowledgebase
Print Indexes
Applied Science and Technology Index
*R-SIBL Z7913 .I7
Environment Abstracts*R-SIBL GF1 .E553

Energy for Planet Earth: readings from Scientific
JSE 92-370
Chemical and Materials from Renewable Resources ed.
by Joseph J. Bozell
JSE 01-610
Renewable Biological Systems for Alternative Sustainable
Energy Production
ed. by Kazuhisa Miyamoto
JBG 98-131
Alternative Construction: contemporary natural building
ed. by Lynne Elizabeth
JSE 00-1876
