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Diversity Endangered Diversity Endangered Diversity Endangered Diversity Endangered Diversity Endangered Diversity Endangered Diversity Endangered Diversity Endangered

What You Can Do

What You Can Do

"Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little."
Edmund Burke, British statesman and orator

Our planet is a closed ecosystem with generous but limited resources. Many of us in developed countries consume more than our fair share of those resources.

We waste food and water. We pollute unnecessarily. We use non-bidegradable plastics where paper would do just as well. We feed our cats and dogs more protein in a day than many people eat in a week.

We can protect our environment from overexploitation. We can keep habitat from being destroyed. We can modify our consumption of resources without greatly affecting our standard of living.

You can do something about the loss of plant and animal species. Small changes can add up to make a big difference, worldwide.


  Explore These Websites for More Information on Biodiversity:

The International Union for the Conservation of Wildlife (IUCN)
This organization maintains lists and estimated counts of endangered wildlife throughout the world.

The World Wildlife Fund

Offers latest news and infomation on endangered species.

The Nature Conservancy
This group seeks to maintain natural habitats so that wildlife can flourish.
