Catherine the Great (r. 1762–96) laid the foundation
for a state system of education through the establishment of
a teacher’s college and elementary and middle schools.
Alexander took the next major step.
The Ministry of Education, founded in 1802, divided Russia
into six educational districts, each of which was to have a
university and a curator who would report to the minister.
Thus, during the first and liberal part of his reign, Alexander
I founded five new universities in addition to the University
of Moscow established in 1755 by Empress Elizabeth (r. 1740–61).
Unusual in an absolute monarchy, the universities functioned
autonomously and were accorded academic freedom. The university
councils, made up of faculty members, had the right to elect
rectors, deans, and other personnel, to run independent courts
of justice, to impose their own censorship, and to choose textbooks.
However, in the second part of Alexander’s reign, Prince
Aleksandr Golitsyn (1773–1844) and others involved in
the Russian Bible Society took over the educational ministry
and made religion the central element in higher education.
They ordered purges of the universities, during which secular
textbooks were replaced by the Bible, even in science classes;
faculty who supported the ideas of the Enlightenment were fired;
and students had to obey monastic rules. After this bleak episode
and the end of Alexander’s reign, Russian universities
became respected institutions of learning on a par with those
in the rest of Europe.