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Russia Engages the World, 1453-1825
1453 Through the Reign of Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584) The Time of Troubles to the First Romanovs (1598-1682) Peter the Great and His Legacy (1682-1762) The Age of Catherine the Great (1762-1801) The Reign of Emperor Alexander I (1801-1825)


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Engagement Symbol
Napoleonic Europe, ca. 1812
Engagement Symbol
Depicting St. Petersburg, 1806

Russia's Globalization:
A Key

Events marked Russia Symbol are specific to Muscovy/Russia's internal development.
Those marked World Symbol are important world historical or cultural events.
Engagement Symbol indicates specific points of sociocultural or military engagement between Muscovy/Russia and foreign powers or individuals.




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Aleksandr Dmitrievich Savinkov (fl. 1792–1835)
Plan stolichnago goroda St. Peterburga [Plan of the Capital City of St. Petersburg]
[St. Petersburg, 1806?]
NYPL, Map Division

Russian and French indexes to this map note over 400 buildings and political divisions in the capital city. Cultivated land can be seen at the bottom, adjacent to canals built to drain swamplands. Rather like Amsterdam, the city appears to grow outward in rings, through a system of canals. The title cartouche is decorated with emblems of the arts and learning, and of military science, and is topped off by the double-eagle crest of Alexander I.