Back: "We Are the Stonewall
Stonewall Inn, 1969. Photograph by Diana Davies.
NYPL, Manuscripts and Archives Division, Mattachine
Society of New York Records. Copyright Diana Davies.
Digital ID: 1582252 |
Located at 53 Christopher Street, the Stonewall Inn began as
a tea house, Bonnie's Stone Wall, in 1930, and evolved into
a restaurant. After a fire destroyed the interior in the early
1960s, the Stonewall was reopened by Fat Tony Lauria as a gay
bar in 1967. Part of a network of Mafia-controlled, illegal
gay clubs and after-hours joints in the Village (like the Bon
Soir, the Tenth of Always, and Kooky's), the Stonewall was operated
as a private club, rather than a publicly open bar, in order
to evade the control of the State Liquor Authority. Every weekend
young gay men paid $3 and signed the club register — often
as Judy Garland or Donald Duck — to get into the Stonewall,
drink watered-down liquor, and dance to the music of The Ronettes
and The Shangri-Las. Despite the burnt interior, the dirty glasses,
and the surly staff, the Stonewall — one of the few gay
clubs in the Village where patrons could dance — drew
a devoted young clientele. Many cross-dressed, wearing makeup
or their own personal mix of men's and women's attire.
The police routinely raided the Stonewall, but the management,
always mysteriously tipped off in advance, would turn up the
lights to warn the crowd to stop any open displays of affection,
slow dancing, or use of illicit drugs. According to most historians,
the Stonewall's management bribed the police for protection,
and the raids were merely for show. But on Tuesday, June 24,
1969, there was another kind of raid, organized by the NYPD's
First Division, rather than the local Sixth Precinct. When the
club was back up and running a few days later, the police decided
to go in again on Friday, June 27, and shut it down for good.
The police were accustomed to handling a large gay crowd
with only a handful of officers, but this night the raid
went very differently. Rather than leave, the crowd gathered
in front
of the bar and waited for their friends to be released. When
the police van came to take away those who had been arrested,
the crowd fought back, forcing the police into the bar. The
riot gathered force from onlookers, who turned on the barricaded
bar with garbage cans and fire. The drag queens were said
to have given the police both the fiercest resistance and a
of humor, facing them down in a chorus line as they sang "We
are the Stonewall Girls …" The crowd was controlled
and dispersed in the early hours of Saturday morning, only
to reemerge later that night as several thousand people took
the streets chanting "Gay Power!" and "Liberate
Christopher Street!" Riots and demonstrations continued
throughout the following week. In the end, the arrests and damage
were minimal. What shocked both gays and the straight establishment
was that gays had, for once, openly fought back.