The Mattachine Society of New
York and the Daughters of Bilitis
Crimes Against Nature
Mattachine Society of New York. "Penalties for Sex Offenses in the United
States — 1964." pages 1&2. Flyer.
NYPL, Manuscripts and Archives Division, Mattachine Society of New York Records.
The dramatic political awakening by the gay community in New
York City in 1969 was preceded by more than a decade of intensive
political work by a small cadre of devoted activists in the Mattachine
Society and the Daughters of Bilitis. Mattachine, begun by Harry
Hay in Los Angeles in 1951, slowly opened chapters across the
country, focusing on providing public forums for medical views
sympathetic to homosexual civil rights; creating protective, supportive
social networks for homosexuals; and providing a clearinghouse
for legal, medical, and personal advice for homosexuals in jeopardy.
During the same period, the Daughters of Bilitis, founded by Del
Martin and Phyllis Lyon in San Francisco in 1955, provided similar
support, community, and political conversation for lesbians. The
New York chapter was started in 1958 by Barbara Gittings, who
went on to edit and radicalize the organization's national journal,
Ladder, with her partner, the photographer Kay Tobin
By the early 1960s, a new generation of East Coast activists
had become dissatisfied with these strategies, which they saw
as politically ineffective and overly respectful of medical and
legal authorities. In 1965 the Mattachine Society of Washington,
D.C., under the leadership of Frank Kameny, boldly inaugurated
a series of pickets of the White House, the Pentagon, and the
State Department to protest the exclusion of homosexuals from
military service and federal employment. These pickets led to
annual Fourth of July pickets of Independence Hall in Philadelphia
each year until 1970, when they were superseded by the annual
Gay Pride marches we know today.
The New York chapters of the Daughters of Bilitis and the
Mattachine Society were radicalized by close contact with Washington's
through collaboration at such conferences as the annual East
Coast Homophile Organization (ECHO) meeting, which in 1965 was
in New York City. Under the innovative leadership of Dick
Leitsch, the Mattachine Society of New York challenged the State
Authority's ban on serving homosexual patrons, and worked
to stop police entrapment of homosexuals. New York Mattachine
also worked
closely behind the scenes with sympathetic political officials,
such as Mayor John V. Lindsay, to reduce the oppression of
homosexuals. Although they were only a handful of people, these
activists made
a real impact on the lives of gays and lesbians and laid
the ground for future political work.