Raizel Garncarz
Postcard to Sala Garncarz, in German, Neusalz (Oder), Germany,
April 26, 1943
Courtesy of Ann Kirschner and family
Dearest Sala,
I don’t know what to do at all when we don’t get
mail from you, dearest. Tonight is Monday night, the beginning
of the holiday, and the mail has been called out. Blima and I
have been waiting anxiously. But no, what a great disappointment!
Sala, why do you do this to us? Don’t you know that your
mail is our only happiness, our own and all?
Oh Sala, our heart is aching! Today, [Passover] began. We are
so far apart from one another, no parents, no brothers and sisters
are here. We’re thinking of you, Laja Dina and all our dear
ones, day and night. Yes, we received mail from Laja Dina last
week, they are well, thank God, and at home, oh, may they be able
to stay there. But nothing from our dearest parents. This is more
than just a woe! We can’t tear them from ourselves. May
God grant that we will still see them in this life. May we be
able to overcome our past experiences as soon as possible.
Please don’t worry about us. Thank God, we’re well
and have light work. What are you doing? How’s your work
doing? Are you well? Why do we get so little mail from you? Are
you getting mail from Laja Dina? From Ala too?
… Now, a thousand kisses and regards from your sisters
missing you, and wishing you a good holiday. Oh, if we only could
be together again in the future!
Please say whether Chaim [Kaufman, Sala’s friend and suitor]
is writing to you—take pity on us, we don’t have anything
… We had a seder in our room till 2 in the morning.