Raizel Garncarz
Postcard to Sala Garncarz, in German, Sosnowitz, Poland, December
20, 1940
NYPL, Dorot Jewish Division, Sala Garncarz Collection
Dear Sala,
Today is 12/20/40 and only now we received your card, after two
weeks of waiting to hear a word from you. We were beginning to
go mad, wondering what might have happened to you. You write so
little about yourself as never before. Formerly, you used to write
more. Now, as you write, you received the parcel and we are very
happy. You write (but it doesn’t really seem to be you)
in German, but why so little? I met with Sala Rabinowicz and told
her to write in German. She was very upset, because only recently
your girlfriends sent off two letters in Polish and now they don’t
know whether you received them. Our letter was among theirs, so
you can imagine our “agmys nefysch” [anguish of the
soul]. We wrote about five letters in the past two weeks, the
last all in Polish. Your friends also wrote in Polish and it is
truly much easier for me. Now we are very concerned that you may
not receive our mail….
Who could you write to, in order for you to get a vacation? ...
Here everything is as usual, thank God, we are well. Write whether
you are in good health, you know how worried we are about you,
how anguished and sad. Oh God! When will we see you again? Write
often, we implore you and we will feel much better. Don’t
worry about us. Our dear Mother and our dear Father are in good
health and so are we. Sala [Rabinowicz] asked why you didn’t
write her. In closing, many kisses from our dear parents and all
of us sisters and brothers-in-law and children. Write whether
you received the “opaska” [required armband for Jews].
Write more. Herr Goldberg wrote Blima a letter from work. He writes
that he is doing well. Let’s hope that this is so.
I kiss you, Raizel