Photgraph of Elfriede Pachta
Geppersdorf, Germany, June 10, 1942
NYPL, Dorot Jewish Division, Sala Garncarz Kischner Collection
Every day, a guard drove Sala from the Geppersdorf labor camp to the Pachta
home, where she used their sewing machine to repair German uniforms and, in
response to a personal request, made doll clothes for the granddaughter of
a Nazi officer. She was treated like a family member by Anna and Wilhelm Pachta
and befriended by their daughter, Elfriede. They sent money to Sala’s
parents, and Raizel blessed them in her letters. The Pachta family even mailed
a doll to Sala’s niece, Salusia, still in Sosnowitz.
Eventually, the camp received its own sewing machine. The Pachta family visited
Sala at the camp until security increased. After that, Sala never saw them