This checklist is a record of the items, in order and by section, on view in the exhibition Russia Engages the World, 1453–1825 (October 3, 2003–January 31, 2004).
Russia: A Distant World
Russia’s Peter the Great and His City
The World: Engaging Northern and Central Europe
The World: Engaging the Muslim Empires
Russia: A Distant World
The items in this section reflect the isolation that prevailed in Muscovite
Russia until the mid-17th century.
Russian Manuscript Illumination
Evangelie [ The Gospels]
Muscovite Russia, 15th century
NYPL, Spencer Collection
Russian Shield of Faith
Palitsa [eastern Christian ecclesiastical vestment]
Embroidery and pearls
Russia, 17th century
Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Department of European Sculpture
and Decorative Arts, Purchase, Friends of European Sculpture and Decorative
Arts Gifts, 1991 (1991–289)
The Russian Gutenberg
Evangelie [ The Gospels]
[Moscow], ca. 1564
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
The First Dated Printed Book
Apostol [Acts of the Apostles]
Moscow: Ivan Fedorov and Petr Mstislavets, 1564
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
Holy Figures in Ivory
Ivory disk from a Panagiarion with the Virgin and Child and Three
Church Fathers
Muscovy, ca. 1500 or later
Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Department of Medieval Art and
The Cloisters, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917 (17.190.129)
Gospels for a Russian National Saint?
Evangelie [ The Gospels]
Moscow: [A. M. Radishevskii], 1606
NYPL, Spencer Collection
A Russian Ladder to Heaven
Saint John Climacus (ca. 525–600)
Lestnitsa [The Ladder of Divine Ascent]
Russia, 16th century
NYPL, Spencer Collection
A Symbol of Christ’s Entombment
Plashchanitsa [ceremonial shroud of Christ]
Silk and metallic thread embroidery
Russia, 17th century
Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Department of European Sculpture
and Decorative Arts, Gift of Mrs. Stephan Rosenak, 1946 (46.191)
A Unique Slavonic Book, via England
Chasoslov [Book of Hours]
Moscow: Pechatnyi Dvor, 1630
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
An Image of Orthodox Faith
Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir
Egg tempera on panel, with gold, enamel, niello, and jeweled cover (oklad)
Kremlin Armory Workshop, Moscow, ca. 1650
Courtesy of A La Vieille Russie
An Image of Orthodox Faith
Icon of Saints Boris and Gleb
Egg tempera and gold on panel with jeweled cover (oklad)
Russia, 17th century
Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Department of European Paintings,
Gift of George D. Pratt, 1933
The First Russian Secular Book
Johann Jacobi von Wallhausen (fl. 17th century. 17th century; )
Moscow: [Pechatnyi Dvor, 1647]
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
A Venetian Witness to Moscow’s Ascent
Ambrogio Contarini (d. 1499 )
Il Viazo … Ambasciator della Illustrissima Signoria di Venetia
al Signor Uxuncassan Re de Persia [The Journey of … the Ambassador of
the Most Illustrious Council of Venice to Lord Uzun Hasan, King of Persia]
Venice, 1543
NYPL, Rare Books Division
The Habsburg’s Greatest Emissary to Moscow
Freiherr Sigmund von Herberstein (1486–1566 )
Comentari della Moscovia [Commentaries on Muscovy]
Venice: Giovanni Battista Pedrezzano, 1550
NYPL, Rare Books Division
A Danish Portrayal of the Terrible Tsar
Paul Oderborn (d. 1604). 1604;
Ioannis Basilidis … vita [The Life of Ivan Vasil’evich (i.e., Ivan
IV, “the Terrible”) ]
Wittenberg: Heirs of Johann Crato, 1585
NYPL, Rare Books Division
An Account by the Pope’s Wily Diplomat
Antonio Possevino (1533 or 1534–1611)
Moscovia [Muscovy]
Antwerp: Christophe Plantin, 1587
NYPL, Rare Books Division
The English View Muscovy as Brutish
Giles Fletcher (1549?–1611)
Of the Russe Common Wealth
London: Printed by T[homas] D[awson] for Thomas Charde, 1591
NYPL, Rare Books Division
Muscovy's Money
“Wire” kopek
Russia, ca. 1689
The American Numismatic Society, New York (1914.265.47)
The Terrible Tsar Receives a Danish Legation
Jacob Ulfeldt (d. 1593)
Hodoeporicon Ruthenicum [A Ruthenian (i.e., Muscovite) Journey]
Frankfurt: M. Becker , imprensis I. T. & I. I. de Bry, 1608
NYPL, Rare Books Division
Time of Troubles in Muscovy, 1598–1613
William Russell (fl. 1600)
The Reporte of a Bloudie and Terrible Massacre in the Citty of Mosco
London: Val. Sims, for Samuel Macham, and Mathew Cooke, 1607
NYPL, Rare Books Division
An English Doctor for the Tsar
Samuel Collins (1619–1670)
The Present State of Russia, in a letter to a friend at London; written by
an eminent person residing at the Tzars court at Mosco for the space of nine
London: Printed by J. Winter, for D. Newman, 1671
NYPL, Rare Books Division
A Great Writer's Fact and Fantasy
John Milton (1608–1674)
A Brief History of Moscovia: and of other less-known countries lying eastward
of Russia as far as Cathay. Gather'd from the writings of several eye-witnesses
London: Printed by M. Flesher, for Brabazon Aylmer, 1682
NYPL, Rare Books Division
Drinking in Muscovite Style
Kovsh [ceremonial drinking cup]
Kremlin Armory Workshop, Russia, 1693
Courtesy of A La Vieille Russie
The Dutch Describe Russia's Eastern Lands
Beschryvinghe van der Samoyeden Landt [A Description of the Land of
the Samoyeds] Amsterdam: Hessel Gerritsz, 1612
NYPL, Rare Books Division
“Amerika” in Dutch
Title page from:
Pieter Goos (ca. 1616–1675)
De zee-atlas ofte water-wereld [The Sea Atlas, or, The Water World]
Amsterdam: P. Goos, 1668
NYPL, Map Division
“Amerika” in Slavonic
Pieter Goos (ca. 1616–1675)
[ Perevod s”knigi imenuema Vodny mir ] [A Translation of the Book “The
Water World”]
N.p., 1667
NYPL, Manuscripts and Archives Division
Dutch Publishers Feature Muscovia
Russia seu Moscovia itemque Tartaria [Russia or Muscovy, and the Tatar
Leiden: Elzevir, 1630
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
An Erudite Holsteinian in the Romanov Court
Adam Olearius (d. 1671)
Viaggi di Moscovia de gli anni 1633, 1634, 1635, e 1636 [Voyages
to Muscovy in the Years 1633, 1634, 1635, and 1636]
Viterbo, 1658
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
Alms from the Tsar
Artamon Sergeevich Matveev (1625–1682)
Kniga ob izbrannii na tsarstvo Velikago Gosudaria, Tsaria i Velikago kniazia
Mikhaila Fedorovicha [The Book Concerning the Election to the Tsardom of
the Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Prince Mikhail Fedorovich]
Moscow, 1856
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
A Place of Royal Amusement and Recreation
Poteshnyi Dvorets [Amusement Palace], late 17th century, from:
Fedor Fedorovich Richter (1808–1868)
Pamiatniki drevniago russkogo zodchestva [Monuments of Ancient Russian
Moscow, 1850
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
The following reproduced maps, indicative of the knowledge gained by both Russia
and Europe as a result of their increased interaction beginning in the mid-17th
century, underscore Russia's transformation from an isolated, Orthodox tsardom
into a modern, global empire.
Russia Looks at the World
Reproduction of:
After Cosmas Indicopleustes (fl. 6th century)
Kniga glagolemaia Kosmografiia [The Book Termed the Cosmography]
Russia, first third of the 18th century
NYPL, Map Division
European Cartographers Map the World
Reproduction of world map by Pieter Goos (ca. 1616–1675), from:
Pieter Goos
De zee-atlas ofte water-wereld [The Sea Atlas, or, The Water World]
Amsterdam: P. Goos, 1668
NYPL, Map Division
Moscow as the Center of the Russian World
Reproduction of:
Opisanie … gradov Vserossiiskoi Imperii [A Description of the Cities
of the Russian Empire]
[Russia, 18th century]
NYPL, Map Division
Filling in the Blanks
Reproduction of:
Mappe monde [World Map]
Amsterdam: Jean Covens & Corneille Mortier, 1770
NYPL, Map Division