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These sites are not part of /, The New York Public Library's website. The Library has no control over their content or availability.
General: Links to the Past (National Park Service) 19th century material can be found in: American Memory (Library of Congress) 19th century material can be searched by subject, format or chronology. Of the individual American Memory collections, the African American Pamphlets, 1824-1909 was especially useful. WWW-VL History Central Catalogue (Lynn H. Nelson, University of Kansas) The following sub-indices are excellent: 19th century Primary Sources (Making of America, University of Michigan) The large collection of 19th century journals and books at this site can be read in scanned images of their original formats. Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture: A Multi-media Archive (Stephen Railton, University of Virginia) Women in the 19th century: Women & Social Movements, 1820-1940 (Thomas Dublin and Kathryn Kish Sklar, SUNY Binghampton) 19th-century Women Writers on the Web (Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers) The E-text library at this site is excellent. 19th-century Music Sites: California Sheet Music, 1852-1900 (Mary Kay Duggan, University of California, Berkeley) Historic American Sheet Music (Duke University) The Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music (Johns Hopkins University) |