The New York
Public Library for the Performing Arts > Vaudeville
Credits & Acknowledgements:

Lillian Russell.
Photograph by White Studio,
NY, promoting Twirly-Whirly.
Dave Montgomery and
Fred Stone in street clothes
by Moffett Studio,
1912. Townsend Walsh Collection
This exhibition is made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency.
The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts gratefully acknowledges the leadership support of Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman. Additional support for exhibitions has been provided by Judy R. and Alfred A. Rosenberg and the Miriam and Harold Steinberg Foundation.

Vaudeville Nation was developed
by The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts:
Jacqueline Z. Davis, Barbara G. and Lawrence A. Fleischman
Executive Director. It was curated by Barbara Cohen-Stratyner,
Judy R. and Alfred A. Rosenberg Curator of Exhibitions. The
exhibition was designed and installed by The Performing
Arts Museum staff: Donald J. Vlack, Designer; Robert J.
McGlynn, Graphics Designer; and René Ronda and Herbert
Ruiz, Installers. Interactive design by Andrew Maloney. Conservator:
Grace Owen. Manager of Public Programs, Library for the
Performing Arts: Alan Pally. Donnell Media Center Programs
programmed by Joseph Yranski. Website by the Research
Library Web Unit: Chris Mulholland, Michelle Misner, and
Jonathan Blanc. We are deeply grateful to the many staff
members for their assistance and support. We also thank
the interns who worked on this project: Joanna Steinberg,
Oberlin; and Sophia Lin Ma and Odaisy Vasquez-Gonzalez,
City College of New York.
Material in the exhibition is from the circulating collections
and research divisions of The New York Public Library for
the Performing Arts: Billy Rose Theatre Collection, Jerome
R0bbins Dance Division, Music Division, and Rodgers & Hammerstein
Archives of Recorded Sound. Glass slides from the collection
of Joseph Yranski. Vitaphone short films provided through
the courtesy of Ron Hutchinson, The Vitaphone Project.
We thank the Scholar/advisors for this exhibit for their
generous contributions through the development process:
Nadine George-Graves, University of California at San Diego;
Susan Glenn, University of Washington; Stephen Johnson,
University of Toronto; Julie Malnig; New York University;
Geraldine Maschio, University of Kentucky; Stephen C. Nelson,
New York University; and Robert Snyder, Rutgers University.