An exhibition of this chronological breadth could
not address every salient issue in Russian and world history. Furthermore,
The New York Public Library's collections of materials dating from
the 15th through the first quarter of the 19th centuries, while
possessing great breadth and depth, do not speak to all issues.
These unaddressed issues became the focus of a two-day scholarly
symposium held at the Library in October 2003, Beyond "Russia
Engages the World , " which brought together
over one hundred scholars from throughout the world. Throughout
the fall of 2003, the general public enjoyed a complementary lecture
series, The Pforzheimer Lectures on Printing and the Book Arts: "Book
Culture in Russia: From Manuscript to Malevich , " and
a film series, Russia Engages the Cinema .
In addition to this website, the most lasting legacy
of the exhibition is the lavishly illustrated companion volume
published by Harvard University Press. Essays on the themes of
the exhibit, written by the scholarly advisors and curators of
the exhibition, are illustrated by over 120 images drawn from the
many spectacular works in the exhibition.
The exhibition, and its related website and publication,
have, it is hoped, deepened popular understanding and appreciation
of Russian and world history through the display and interpretation
of the remarkable works on paper in The New York Public Library's