Schomburg Center for Research in
Black Culture > Malcolm
X: A Search for Truth
The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York
Public Library, is pleased to present Malcolm X: A Search for
an exhibition in commemoration of the eightieth anniversary of the
birth of Malcolm X/El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. The exhibition is based
in part on the collection of personal and professional papers and
memorabilia of Malcolm X that was rescued from auction in 2002 and
placed on deposit at the Schomburg Center by the Shabazz family.
This exhibition provides the first opportunity for the public to
view significant aspects of this collection.
Complemented by an epilogue focusing on courtroom
evidence from the New York City Municipal Archives and courtroom
images by Tracy Sugarman in the Schomburg Center’s Art and
Artifacts Division, Malcolm
X: A Search for Truth uses the materials from this extraordinary
collection as well as other collections from the Center.
These never-before-exhibited materials present a provocative
and informative perspective on the
life of the person known variously as Malcolm Little, “Detroit
Red,” Malcolm X, and El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. More significantly,
the exhibition poses questions about the nature of the developmental
journey that Malcolm Little pursued to become El-Hajj Malik
El-Shabazz. The subtitle A Search for Truth focuses the
interpretive dimensions of the exhibition on the process
and products of his driving intellectual
quest for truth about himself, his family, his people, his
country, and his world.
Next Section: Messengers of Hope and Liberation