Titian Ramsey Peale (1800–1885), a member of the distinguished
family of American artists, provided many of the 54 illustrations
for this classic three-volume study, in which Thomas Say (1787–1834)
described more than a thousand new insect species. Say excelled
in several fields; he is honored as the father of both American
entomology and American conchology.
The easily recognized Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is
depicted here with Aquilegia, one of the many sources of nectar
for the adult butterfly. Among the plants the caterpillar feeds
on are the leaves of birch, willow, wild cherry, and ash.
Check out the sighting
log to record your interaction with some of the native New
York City wildlife, such as the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, featured
in Urban Neighbors. You may also browse the sighting log
by animal, borough, park or natural area, and/or habitat to view
a sighting you have submitted or to read others’ observations.