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The Urban Neighbors Sighting Log of New York City Wildlife Wildlife Sighting Results

Please note that entries are listed in chronological order from most recent to least recent.

The Wildlife Sighting Log has returned 110 results:

Bird: Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Interacting with other members of species
Date of sighting and conditions: December 27, 2006; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Overcast; Sky,Streetscape,Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Green-wood Cemetery

Bird: American Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: October 4, 2006; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Other

Bird: Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: September 22, 2006; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Bird: Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Don't know
Date of sighting and conditions: September 20, 2006; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Other

Bird: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Juvenile
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: July 10, 2006; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Marshland
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Central Park

Bird: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: April 30, 2006; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Overcast; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Marine Park

Bird: Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Interacting with other members of species
Date of sighting and conditions: April 16, 2006; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Shore
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Sheepshead Bay region

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: December 2, 2005; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Bird: Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: December 1, 2005; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Battery Park

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: November 17, 2005; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape
Location of sighting: Brooklyn

Reptile: Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: October 7, 2005; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Shore,Other
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Evasive or defensive behavior
Date of sighting and conditions: October 3, 2005; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Staten Island

Bird: Eastern Chinese Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Eating
Date of sighting and conditions: September 30, 2005; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard,Other
Location of sighting: The Bronx

Bird: Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: September 26, 2005; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Overcast; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Eating
Date of sighting and conditions: September 1, 2005; Early morning [5 a.m. - 7 a.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Other

Insect: Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Larva/Caterpillar
Behavior observed: Interacting with other members of species
Date of sighting and conditions: August 11, 2005; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Insect: Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: August 9, 2005; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Mammal: Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Interacting with other members of species
Date of sighting and conditions: August 3, 2005; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Green-wood Cemetery

Insect: Luna Moth (Actias luna)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: July 18, 2005; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Overcast; Woodland
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Van Cortlandt Pk.

Insect: Luna Moth (Actias luna)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: July 17, 2005; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Central Park

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: June 27, 2005; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Rainy; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Brooklyn

Bird: Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Attending to young
Date of sighting and conditions: June 18, 2005; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: May 28, 2005; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Overcast; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Queens

Bird: Great Egret (Ardea alba)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: May 27, 2005; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Woodland,Pond/lake,Stream/brook
Location of sighting: Staten Island - Clove Lakes Park (Greenbelt)

Insect: Polyphemus Moth (Antheraea polyphemus)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: May 26, 2005; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Woodland
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Pelham Bay Pk

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: May 24, 2005; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Overcast; Other
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Central Park

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: April 23, 2005; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Reptile: Eastern Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Evasive or defensive behavior
Date of sighting and conditions: April 20, 2005; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Pelham Bay Pk

Bird: Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: April 10, 2005; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Prospect Pk

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Don't know
Date of sighting and conditions: April 2, 2005; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: The Bronx

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 26, 2005; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Sheepshead Bay region

Mammal: Eastern Coyote (Canis latrans)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 11, 2005; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Orchard Beach (Pelham Bay Park)

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: February 24, 2005; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Brush/scrubland,Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Staten Island

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: February 19, 2005; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape
Location of sighting: The Bronx

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: February 18, 2005; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Staten Island

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: February 10, 2005; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape,Urban Street
Location of sighting: Brooklyn

Mammal: Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Grooming
Date of sighting and conditions: February 9, 2005; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Don't know
Date of sighting and conditions: January 22, 2005; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Brooklyn

Bird: Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: January 17, 2005; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; River
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Bird: Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: January 17, 2005; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; River
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Bird: Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 29, 2004; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; River
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Bird: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Interacting with other members of species
Date of sighting and conditions: October 31, 2004; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Woodland,Pond/lake,Stream/brook
Location of sighting: Staten Island - Clove Lakes Park (Greenbelt)

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: September 15, 2004; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: Sleeping
Date of sighting and conditions: July 4, 2004; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Brooklyn

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Evasive or defensive behavior
Date of sighting and conditions: July 4, 2004; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Other

Bird: Great Egret (Ardea alba)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: June 18, 2004; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; River
Location of sighting: Other

Bird: Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: June 18, 2004; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; River
Location of sighting: Other

Mammal: White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Eating
Date of sighting and conditions: June 14, 2004; Early morning [5 a.m. - 7 a.m.]; Overcast; Woodland
Location of sighting: Staten Island

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: Evasive or defensive behavior
Date of sighting and conditions: June 7, 2004; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: May 14, 2004; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Bird: Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: May 8, 2004; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Other
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Pelham Bay Pk

Bird: American Woodcock (Scolopax minor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Evasive or defensive behavior
Date of sighting and conditions: March 17, 2004; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Overcast; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Bird: Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 7, 2004; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Shore,River
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Riverside Park

Mammal: Star-nosed Mole (Condylura cristata)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 3, 2004; Early morning [5 a.m. - 7 a.m.]; Overcast; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Queens - Cunningham Pk.

Bird: Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: February 17, 2004; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; River
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Bird: Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: February 17, 2004; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; River
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Evasive or defensive behavior
Date of sighting and conditions: February 12, 2004; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Queens

Bird: Eastern Chinese Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: February 10, 2004; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: The Bronx - NY Botanical Garden

Bird: Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Eating
Date of sighting and conditions: February 8, 2004; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Overcast; Woodland
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Prospect Pk

Bird: Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: January 1, 2004; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Overcast; Woodland
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Inwood Hill Pk

Bird: Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: January 1, 2004; Early morning [5 a.m. - 7 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Woodland
Location of sighting: Brooklyn

Bird: Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: December 21, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape,Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Sheepshead Bay region

Bird: Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 28, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Overcast; Woodland
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Riverside Park

Bird: Common Pintail (Anas acuta)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 16, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Pond/lake
Location of sighting: Queens

Bird: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 16, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Shore
Location of sighting: Queens - Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (Gateway National Recreation Area)

Bird: Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 16, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Pond/lake
Location of sighting: Queens

Bird: Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 16, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Pond/lake
Location of sighting: Queens - Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (Gateway National Recreation Area)

Bird: Northern Harrier (Marsh Hawk) (Circus cyaneus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 16, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Pond/lake
Location of sighting: Queens - Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (Gateway National Recreation Area)

Bird: Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 16, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Harbor,Pond/lake
Location of sighting: Queens - Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (Gateway National Recreation Area)

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: October 27, 2003; Early morning [5 a.m. - 7 a.m.]; Overcast; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Riverside Park

Bird: Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: October 23, 2003; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Central Park

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: August 13, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Urban Street
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Battery Park

Bird: Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia)
Gender: Female; Age: Chick
Behavior observed: Eating
Date of sighting and conditions: July 20, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Other
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Bronx Zoo

Mammal: Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: July 12, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Marshland
Location of sighting: Queens - Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (Gateway National Recreation Area)

Reptile: Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: July 3, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard,Urban Street,Shore
Location of sighting: Other

Bird: Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: June 28, 2003; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Overcast; Harbor
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Sheepshead Bay region

Bird: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: June 28, 2003; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Overcast; Shore
Location of sighting: Queens - Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (Gateway National Recreation Area)

Insect: Cecropia Silkmoth (Hyalophora cecropia)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: June 18, 2003; Early morning [5 a.m. - 7 a.m.]; Rainy; Streetscape
Location of sighting: Other

Bird: Common Merganser (Mergus merganser)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: May 7, 2003; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; River
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Bird: Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Juvenile
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: May 5, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Shore
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Orchard Beach (Pelham Bay Park)

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: May 2, 2003; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape
Location of sighting: Other

Mammal: Eastern Coyote (Canis latrans)
Gender: Male; Age: Young
Behavior observed: Eating
Date of sighting and conditions: May 2, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Rainy; Streetscape,Lawn/backyard,Shore
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Riverdale Pk

Mammal: Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Sleeping
Date of sighting and conditions: April 26, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Woodland
Location of sighting: Queens - Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge (Gateway National Recreation Area)

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: April 26, 2003; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Bird: Common Merganser (Mergus merganser)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: April 15, 2003; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Rainy; River
Location of sighting: The Bronx - NY Botanical Garden

Bird: Great Egret (Ardea alba)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Don't know
Date of sighting and conditions: April 13, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Pond/lake
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Van Cortlandt Pk.

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 28, 2003; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Prospect Pk

Insect: Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 26, 2003; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Woodland
Location of sighting: The Bronx - NY Botanical Garden

Insect: Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 26, 2003; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Woodland
Location of sighting: The Bronx - NY Botanical Garden

Bird: Canada Warbler (Wilsonia canadensis)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: March 24, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Sky
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Central Park

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Attending to young
Date of sighting and conditions: March 20, 2003; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Overcast; Woodland
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Prospect Pk

Bird: Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 19, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Other
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Insect: Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: March 18, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Mammal: Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: March 14, 2003; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Brush/scrubland
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Central Park

Bird: American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
Gender: Female; Age: Juvenile
Behavior observed: Interacting with other animals
Date of sighting and conditions: February 20, 2003; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Hunting for food
Date of sighting and conditions: February 19, 2003; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Snowing; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Prospect Pk

Mammal: Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: February 3, 2003; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Shore
Location of sighting: Staten Island - Wolfe?s Pond Park

Mammal: Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: February 3, 2003; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Shore
Location of sighting: Staten Island - Wolfe?s Pond Park

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Don't know
Date of sighting and conditions: January 3, 2003; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape
Location of sighting: Brooklyn

Mammal: Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Evasive or defensive behavior
Date of sighting and conditions: December 25, 2002; Early morning [5 a.m. - 7 a.m.]; Overcast; River
Location of sighting: Brooklyn - Green-wood Cemetery

Bird: American Woodcock (Scolopax minor)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: November 23, 2002; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard,Urban Street
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Mammal: White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Gender: Female; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Eating
Date of sighting and conditions: November 17, 2002; Evening [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.]; Overcast; Woodland
Location of sighting: Queens - Alley Pond Park

Bird: American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Eating
Date of sighting and conditions: November 15, 2002; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Sky,Urban Street,Other
Location of sighting: Manhattan

Mammal: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Don't know
Date of sighting and conditions: November 12, 2002; Early morning [5 a.m. - 7 a.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Queens

Reptile: Eastern Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis sauritus)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Young
Behavior observed: In motion [flying, walking/running, swimming]
Date of sighting and conditions: October 29, 2002; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Fort Tryon Park

Mammal: Star-nosed Mole (Condylura cristata)
Gender: Female; Age: Infant
Behavior observed: Grooming
Date of sighting and conditions: October 5, 2002; Morning [7 a.m. - 11 a.m.]; Clear Skies; Streetscape
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Bryant Park

Bird: Eastern Screech Owl (Otus asio)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Juvenile
Behavior observed: Other
Date of sighting and conditions: August 10, 2002; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Overcast; Other
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Battery Park

Bird: Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas)
Gender: Male; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Don't know
Date of sighting and conditions: May 17, 2002; Midday [11 a.m. - 2 p.m.]; Clear Skies; Other
Location of sighting: Manhattan - Bryant Park

Bird: Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus)
Gender: Female; Age: Juvenile
Behavior observed: Don't know
Date of sighting and conditions: January 31, 2002; Night [8 p.m. - 5 a.m.]; Snowing; Streetscape
Location of sighting: The Bronx - Woodlawn Cemetery

Mammal: Star-nosed Mole (Condylura cristata)
Gender: Don't Know; Age: Adult
Behavior observed: Sleeping
Date of sighting and conditions: January 10, 2002; Afternoon [2 p.m. - 6 p.m.]; Overcast; Lawn/backyard
Location of sighting: Other