Urban Neighbors Resources:
Historical Neighbors
Street and Backyard Neighbors
Park and Green Places Neighbors
Shore and Wetlands Neighbors
Salt and Freshwater Neighbors
Tiny Neighbors
Unwelcome Neighbors
Occasional and Unexpected Neighbors
Below is a list of items on display in the exhibition Urban
Neighbors: Images of New York City Wildlife (October 11, 2002
- Febuary 1, 2003). The separate pages of the checklist correspond
to the different sections into which the exhibition was organized.
Historical Neighbors
Resident wildlife important
in New York City history, some no longer here because of habitat
destruction, polluted waters, urbanization, or total extinction.
Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova
Amsterdam, 1635
Hand-colored engraving after Willem Janszoon Blaeu
NYPL, Map Division
Beaver (Castor canadensis)
Seal of New Netherland (1623)
Reproduced on cast-metal bas-relief plaque, originally installed
on the old West Side Highway
NYPL, Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History,
Local History and Genealogy
Beaver (Castor canadensis) and American
Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
Great Seal of the City of New York (1664)
Photograph, not credited
NYPL, The Branch Libraries, Picture Collection

Beaver (Castor canadensis)
Plaster cast with dry pigment and acryloid BC72 finish prototype
of ceramic beaver plaque on walls of Astor Place subway station
Reproduction (1999) by Farancz Painting and Conservation Studio,
New York City, of original 1904 design by Grueby Faience Company
of Boston
Collection of Metropolitan Transportation Authority Arts for Transit
Northern Quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria)
Color reproduction of illustration by Wendy Frost
In: W. Frost, Neptune’s Garden: Shells A to Z (Boston: Crown,
NYPL, General Research Division

Northern Quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria) (fig. 276)
and other bivalve mollusks
Hand-colored lithograph, with outlines made by camera lucida, after
J. W. Hill
In: James Ellsworth DeKay, Zoology of New York, or the New York
Fauna…. Vol. 1.5 of 5 (New York State. Geological Survey. Natural
History of New York. Parts 1–6) (Albany, 1842–44)
NYPL, Rare Books Division, Stuart Collection
Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica)
Color reproduction of illustration
In: Academic American Encyclopedia. Vol. 14 of 21 (Danbury,
Conn.: Grolier, 1987)
NYPL, General Research Division
Three 19th-century menus
"Carte du Jour," Thursday, June 5, 1879 [restaurant unknown]; The
Justices of the City Court / Dinner, Hotel Marlborough, December
26, 1889; Dinner held at Hotel Bellevues, Philadelphia, April 17,
NYPL, General Research Division, Buttolph Menu Collection

1. & 2. Lookdown (Selene vomer), 3. Windowpane [Flounder]
(Scophthalmus aquosus), 4. Hogchoker (Trinectes
maculates), 5. Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus),
6. Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis), 7. Blue Lumpfish (Cyclopterus
lumpus), 8. Sea Raven (Hemitripterus americanus)
Engravings after Dr. Samuel Akerly
In: Samuel L. Mitchill, The Fishes of New-York, described and
arranged. Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. Transactions.
Vol. 1, no. 5 (New York, 1815)
NYPL, Rare Books Division, Stuart Collection

Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)
Hand-colored lithograph after John James Audubon
In: J. J. Audubon, The Birds of America: from drawings made in
the United States and their territories. Vol. 5 of 7 (New York;
Philadelphia, 1840–44)
NYPL, George Arents Collection of Books in Parts

Black Bear (Ursus americanus)
Hand-colored lithograph after Werner
In: Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Frédéric
Cuvier, Histoire naturelle des mammifères, avec des figures
originales…. Vol. 2 of 3 (Paris, 1824)
NYPL, General Research Division