"In the harness."
This is the last of the six installments completed by Dickens of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, published by
Chapman and Hall in September 1870. The illustrated wrapper was designed by Dickens's son-in-law
Charles Collins, who was to have done the plates as well (when his health gave out, he was replaced
by the young Luke Fildes). Since the appearance of the first installment of The Pickwick Papers more
than a third of a century earlier, the old familiar covers had long endeared themselves to the
public, numberless readers having been held in thrall by Dickens's latest story as it unfolded in
its monthly parts. As The Graphic observed with wonderment, when Edwin Drood made it's debut in
April: "What other story-teller, English or foreign, ever maintained so great and increasing a
popularity for six and thirty years!"